
Welcome to my Startup Journal!

I will share with you my journey in Italy and abroad, suggestions on how to validate your business and people worth knowing.

Editor’s Pick

Your corporate strategy roadmap

Your corporate strategy roadmap

As an entrepreneur, you have heard a lot of talk about strategy: What is your corporate strategy? Have you defined your strategic goals? As a founder, you need to develop your marketing and channels strategy and so on. Define your corporate strategy roadmap. But what...

My mentoring tool kit

My mentoring tool kit

Many of you have asked me what process I use when working with a startup. There’s a lot of literature about it and can be daunting for a founder to decide what s/he should do. So I decided to share my mentoring tool kit with you. Is it possible for a founder to do...

Find your startup competition

Find your startup competition

Regardless of the size of your market, there will always be someone who will try to come in to carve out their share before or after you. Throwing oneself without having made the right considerations can only cause a loss of money and resources (as well as getting you...

Market Analysis in 3 easy steps

Market Analysis in 3 easy steps

Market Analysis should not be too difficult. I've written this post to guide you to collect data and have your own market analysis in just 3 steps. You are convinced that your idea is so disruptive as to become the next Unicorn Startup - like Airbnb, Stripe, Asana.You...